Human Resources / Success Through People

The overall purpose of the Human Resources team is to ensure that Framework is able to achieve success through its people.

The key objective is to ensure that we recruit, select and retain skilled, committed and well motivated employees by providing learning and continuous development opportunities.

Our Recruitment and Selection policy aims to ensure that our vacancies are filled via fair and open competition that is free from bias and/or discrimination of any description. We are committed to equality of treatment and opportunity for all applicants and/or employees.

We enhance motivation and commitment by having policies and processes which ensure employees are valued and rewarded for what they do and achieve, and for the levels of skills and competence they bring to the job and reach through self improvement and further training.

We are committed to effective employee relations by regularly consulting employees and their elected representatives from the Service and Food Workers Union. These processes allow employees and management with mutual opportunities to discuss and explain their respective objectives and opinions, and to provide employees with the opportunities to participate in the decision making process; providing access to information and the opportunities for input.

"the only place where success comes before work is in the dictionary"

For more information/help, please email our Human Resources adviser, Nicola Bentley: [email protected] or phone her on: 09 5232790 ext: 9309

