Our Community Support Services (CSS) provide support to people with mental illness who live in the Auckland District Health Board (ADHB) area, Counties Manukau District Health Board(CMDHB) area, and Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB) area. The nature of the contracts under each District Health Board is different; however, the focus of our support work is essentially the same.
In ADHB including services at Waiheke Island, CSS is contracted to provide support hours ranging from lower level to intensive levels of support. In WDHB, we work closely with local service co-ordination and clinical teams, and access and referral is via those services.
In CMDHB in South Auckland, our supports are catered to the individual’s needs with the purpose of supporting clients to reach their dreams and aspirations. In the three Board areas, this is achieved through building good working relationships, doing a Strength Assessment and prioritising goals. In South Auckland, we work closely with Awhinatia Community Mental Health Centre and offer supports in their catchment area. Access and referral is via Awhinatia CMHC. Overall, our services promote self management and self reliance for mental health clients in areas such as accommodation, transport, employment, self care, personal and interpersonal skills so that it will enable them to live as independently as they are able to in the community of their choice.
The support workers have a wide range of skills which include knowledge in communication skills, assessments, planning and implementation, psychiatric medication and side effects, and a good knowledge of mental health disorders. The support worker acts as a positive role model throughout the process.
As an organisation, Framework has fully embraced the Strengths Model so all work done with service users is based on an individual’s strengths and celebrating achievements.
Contact either;
Operational Leader or Practice Leader
Community Support Services
Auckland: 09 523 2790 Fax: 09 523 2791
Papakura, South Auckland: Tel: 09 299 2671 Fax: 09 299 2673